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House of the Sculptor Petras Aleksandravičius


The private house and villa neighborhoods of Antakalnis conceal little-known stories, relics of famous people, and the unique architecture of residential buildings, embedded in the green surroundings of the district.

The house of sculptor Petras Aleksandravičius is exceptional among other cottages, houses, and villas in the neighborhood, where beautiful summer houses had already been built in the interwar period.

The project was prepared by a family friend, Eduardas Budreika: “I designed a residential house for his family, which he asked to be as modest as possible, one-story, but with a large sculptor’s workshop on the courtyard side.” This modest private house is decorated with an artistic accent – a bas-relief embedded in a niche of the facade of the house at 8 Jūratės Street. This is the work of sculptor Petras Aleksandravičius, “Fishermen”, created in 1954.

Although the sculptor’s house seems almost unchanged architecturally since it was built in 1956, inside it is already an example of a modern interior.

The renovation architects, together with the sculptor’s daughter, approached this task sensitively and subtly. Therefore, here you can see how authentic brickwork, wooden beams, and ceiling decorations fit into a modern environment, adorned with busts, bas-reliefs, portraits, sketches, and other works created by the sculptor.


ARCHITECT: Eduardas Budreika, 1953
RECONSTRUCTION ARCHITECTS: Jurgita Liubartaitė and Giedrė Filipavičienė, 2006

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