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ARCHITEKTAI – „Archinova“, „Studio Seilern Architects“,
KONSTRUKTORIAI – Sergejus Miakinkovas, Virmantas Juocevičius, 2021 m.


• Tower Square is composed of several estates that were combined over the ages. The brick buildings within the complex date back to the 15th – 16th centuries. The main building was reconstructed on the site of a former hospital and was adapted to modern needs;

• Pedantic attention was paid to Lithuania’s cultural heritage during the design phase of the construction. After extensive research and lengthy discussions, a solution was found on how to adapt the internal structure without drastically changing it;

• The archaeological excavations alone, during which the cultural layer of the eastern courtyard was unearthed, lasted 7 years and reached down 7 meters;

• Extant drawings and sketches allowed the architects to recreate some of the most important characteristic features of both exterior and interior of the building. Window openings were unblocked, the roof was supplemented with baroque towers, etc;

• Tower Square is an outstanding example of caring and sustainable reconstruction, with an exceptional focus on Lithuania’s history and cultural heritage.

Visiting information

Sat 10:00–20:00 (last – 19:00)
Sun 10:00–18:00 (last – 17:00)
Duration of the tour – 45 min.
Tours take place every 30 min.

Expected number of visitors: High


  • 25