Photo Norbert Tukaj

46. Saulėtekis Student Campus


Concept authors - Rimantas Dičius, Zigmas Jonas Daunora, Julius Jurgelionis, 1966.


Saulėtekis Student Campus is a science, education and business neighbourhood in the Northern part of Antakalnis. More than 20 000 students of Vilnius University and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University study at Saulėtekis Student Campus, which is currently considered one of the biggest education and science centres of the Baltics.

The concept of the Student Campus was prepared in the 1970s by co-architects Rimantas Dičius, Zigmas Jonas Daunora, Julius Jurgelionis (1966 – 1970). The project began to take shape in the 1980s in an open space surrounded by nature. The hope was that in the future, the universities will be fast expanding. Next to the educational institutions of Saulėtekis, you can also find two student dorm buildings: “New York” and “Kamchatka” as well as sports and culture centres. The partially executed concept of the Student Campus is continued in the 21st century. The newest objects include: Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park, Vilnius University Library Scientific Communication and Information Centre, Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology, and Life Sciences Centre. During our tour, we will be looking at the concept of the Campus, its evolution and the vision of its future.

Visiting time

2019 April 27 Sat 10:00–18:00
2019 April 28 Sun 10:00–18:00

Tours are held every hour. Last tour on Saturday and Sunday is at 5:00 pm. Tour duration - 45 min.

How to get there?

Closest bus stops - Gedimino technikos universitetas, Vilniaus universitetas, Saulėtekis.


Tour starting point - Saulėtekio av .11
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