The black cube dictates the game rules in an environment of greyish apartment buildings, and stands out with its eloquent architectural character. The building is covered in granite plates that represent order, stability and strength. However, the ground floor of the building is covered with transparent panes of glass so that the black cube is lifted up, and the heavy shape hovers over the site. The colour black embodies solidity, which is essential to emphasise the role of this prestigious institution.
“The slanted windows give a dynamic sense to the static shape of the building and create movement in its overall composition. They symbolise the agile and dynamic character of the prosecution authorities and their purpose,” – said K. Lupeikis, the architect of the building.
Offices line the whole of the perimeter and in the middle is an atrium which illuminates the depth of the building. The main highlights of this space are two floating conference rooms, which are now called the Heart and the Soul of the building.