A vivid and environmentally-friendly building rises near Silas Bridge in Antakalnis. It is the palace of firefighters – the 6th Vilnius Fire and Rescue Board team of people, who patiently respond to as many as112 calls, and are always observant and ready to help. This is not just a simple working space – interesting real life stories are happening here on a daily basis.
The architects designed the building by thinking about the people who would work there: it was important for them to see a beautiful view of the Neris River, which would help them to relax after a hard day of work.
The expressive character of the building is emphasised by the almost solid black colour of the decorative tiles and the bright red entrances to the building. A slope which is set against the river provided the architects with the possibility to bury one part of the building and they made the roof green, which you can see from the huge terrace of the building. There is also a garage of fire engines, a car wash, rooms for changing and resting, a conference room, a boat boathouse on the river, an open space where 60 operators work, and an archiving room.